Why every pregnant woman needs a wife

My wife Julie is the most generous partner I could ask for, but even she outdid herself when we were expecting.

So whether you are straight or gay, man or woman, take note of some amazing things my wife did while I was moodier, hungrier and bigger than ever before:

Preggy pack o’ snacks: During the first trimester thankfully I never felt sick, but I was hungry all the M-Fing time. So Julie packed me bags full of healthy snacks and Preggy Pops for any occasional nausea—and reminded me to take them with me wherever I went.

Mama Bird Box: When you are newly pregnant, you are excited beyond belief but nothing in your day-to-day feels that different yet. One fun way to feel pampered is the monthly gift subscription called Mama Bird Box which is similar to Birch Box but for preggos.

LeTote Maternity
If you have a wedding while you’re pregnant, check out LeTote. Lifesaver!

Shopping: When I was about 18-24 weeks pregnant, most of my regular clothes no longer fit, but I wasn’t big enough for most maternity clothes and didn’t want to spend a lot of money on clothes I would only wear for a month. Choosing outfits every day brought out insecurities I didn’t know I had and made for some not-so-fun mornings.

Julie took matters into her own hands and shipped me cute clothes that I wouldn’t let myself splurge on. Her go-to sites included Isabella Oliver, Nordstrom and Pea in the Pod. Her sleuthing also lead me to Le Tote, a great rental clothing site (with an option to buy) that is perfect for preggos, especially if you need an outfit for a special occasion.


Breast pump research: There probably aren’t many guys out there who will dive in to researching breast pumps as much as high-tech monitors and strollers. Which is another reason why every pregnant woman needs a wife! Julie polled all of her recently-pregnant friends and compared nipple accessories right along with me. We decided on the Madela Pump In Style Advanced which was covered by our insurance and then registered for the accessories at BuyBuy Baby.


Babymoon: As a couple who used to travel nonstop, when 2017 threw us some curveballs that kept us contained to the Midwest, we had no idea how much we would be looking forward to a Babymoon near the end of our 2nd trimester. To make things even better, Julie planned it all including deciding on our destination, booking massages and dinners, and making sure we didn’t over-commit so we’d have plenty of time to relax.

Date nights & weekends: Being the wanderlust couple Julie and I are, getting pregnant came with the nagging reality that life was about to change. No more Michelin star dinners at the drop of a hat, no more 4-day Lollapalooza benders as we desperately clung to our 30s, and no more last-minute weekend getaways because we found a cheap flight.

So we committed to enjoy our last few months of freedom together as a couple as much as we could. Stopping for friends & family night at the new fried chicken spot instead of dinner at home. Snagging theater tix after work. And of course, sleeping in without feeling guilty.

Now that I am over 7 months through my pregnancy, I recognize how blessed I am. I not only have had an easy pregnancy so far, but I have the best wife any preggers girl could ask for!

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